About Us

The purpose of the Diocese of Dallas Catholic Committee on Scouting (DDCCS) is to give guidance, vitality, and leadership in the spiritual phase of Scouting to all Catholic scouts and scouters of the diocese. The committee endeavors to make the entire Scouting program available to increasing numbers of youth in parish units and in units operated by Catholic organizations. The agenda of the Catholic committee supplements the program of the Boy Scouts of America, with special instructions and activities, in the spiritual phase of Scouting as it relates to Catholics.

Each year the Committee holds several events to promote Catholic Scouting. These events include a Boy Scout Religious Retreat, Cub Scout Retreat, Youth Religious Emblem Recognition Ceremony, Religious Emblems Counselor Training, and Adult Recognition Dinner. We are able to accomplish these events because of the many dedicated volunteers that donate their time and energy to providing a quality program.

The Diocese of Dallas Catholic Committee on Scouting serves portions of Circle 10 Council and the NeTseO Trails Council of the Boy Scouts of America. The Committee promotes Duty to God at each level of Scouting. We're affiliated with the National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS), an advisory to the Boy Scouts of America, and Region 10 of the NCCS.


Get the 2025 Catholic Scout Sunday Patch

2024 DDCCS Scout Sunday patch

The Diocese of Dallas Catholic Committee on Scouting has its 2025 Scout Sunday patch available for purchase now. The cost is $3 per patch. If you order by mail, please include $5 for shipping costs.

You may get your patches by:

Ad Altare Dei and Pope Pius XII Awards Ceremony

There will be an awards ceremony for Ad Altare Dei and Pope Pius XII awards at Saint Monica on Sunday, January 26, 2025, following the 5:00pm Mass.

Eucharistic Revival patch with auxiliary patches

Scouts Can Now Earn the Eucharistic Revival Award

To support the National Eucharistic Revival, the National Catholic Committee on Scouting has initiated a Eucharistic Revival Award. The goal of this award is to find a way for all Catholics, young and old, to revive their faith and love of Jesus through prayer and the sacraments, especially the Eucharist.

The award consists of a main patch and eight auxiliary patches. Any Catholic aged six and older may earn the award.

For complete details, please see the official press release and the Eucharistic Revival Activity Program page on the National Catholic Committee on Scouting's site.

Keep in Mind

The Diocese of Dallas Catholic Committee on Scouting is a volunteer organization.The members of this committee are active in other scouting positions, in their home parish, have full-time jobs, have families, and other responsibilities that occupy their time. Please keep this in mind when you make a request of one or more of the members, please give him or her time to respond.

Please pray for the members of our committee as they continue to serve.

Cub Religious Awards

To obtain a Light of Christ or Parvuli Dei medal, please email Carel Alquiza at carelalquiza@gmail.com